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What We Do

The Education Resource Centre is actively involved in conducting various training  and enrichment programmes  in schools of Jamshedpur Jesuit  Province



1. Staff Development Programmes:

The following programmes are organized periodically by the PCE and the management.

  • Orientation at the beginning of the academic year.
  • Seminars for imbibing the Jesuit vision and objectives.
  • Workshops for the inter-school Jesuit staff.
  • In-service training for effective teaching of English, Maths & Science.
  • Programmes for teaching Maths and English effectively to the slow learners and other JCERT Programmes.
  • Experience in undergoing colloquium and IPP Programme.
  • Various courses for academic excellence.
  • Workshops on social analysis.
  • Retreats and Bible studies for Spiritual renewal.
  • Regular seminars on counseling.
  • Counselling for the staff.
  • Teacher evaluation by the students, staff and others for self-growth.
  • Educational tours.
  • The ongoing formation and training of teachers are conducted regularly not only  in academic matters but also  in psychological, spiritual and social levels too, 

2. Student Enrichment Programmes:

The objective of Jesuit education is to assist everyone in the fullest possible development of all the God-given talents.  Students must  realize that their  talents are gifts of God  to be developed, not for self-satisfaction or self-gain, but rather, with the help of God, for the good of the human community. To make this possible, the following programmes are organized periodically in schools during the academic year. ERC helps the schools to organize the same.

Religious Instruction, Moral Instruction and Value Education are imparted to students to help them grow as integrated persons who will devote themselves to build a better society.


  • Retreat and orientation programmes.
  • Remedial courses for the academically weaker students.
  • Exposure to the socio-political situation.
  • Awareness programmes.
  • Training for leadership and organizational skills.
  • Visiting places of historical importance.
  • Environmental education.
  • Mass media education.
  • Implementing oral-aural language skills and individual and group self-evaluation.
  • Day scholar centres should be established with all the facilities for the formation of the day scholars

3. Human Rights Education:

‘Human Rights Education’ is emphasized in all the Jesuit Schools. Textbooks on ‘Human Rights Education’ prepared by Vaigarai Pathippagam are used. 

4. Sports and Games:

ERC organizes inter-school activities to provide opportunities to students to interact with students from another school. Jesuit inter-school tournaments and sports will be conducted every year. The talented and promising students will be selected from VI Std. and  are given systematic coaching to produce professional players in all games, except cricket.